The halloumi from
CL Artisan Cheese is made in five steps namely:
- A starter culture is added to the milk and left to stand for a period to allow the culture to ripen and develop the subtle flavour required for halloumi.
- Rennet is then added to solidify the milk and form cheese curd.
- The curd is cut and rested for a while to allow the milk to separate in curd and whey.
- The curd is placed in a press to form compact cheese blocks.
- The cheese blocks are then cooked in whey to give the cheese its non-melt characteristic.
Almost all halloumi manufacturers skip the first step of adding starter culture and doing so, they produce a cheese that is rather bland in taste. The starter culture is the main contributor to a cheese's flavour and that is what sets
CL Artisan Cheese's halloumi apart from most commercial products available.
Ricotta cheese is a by-product of halloumi making. While halloumi is being cooked in the last step of its manufacture, ricotta cheese forms spontaneously and floats on top of the whey. It is scooped off, drained, salted and packaged, ready for consumption.